During office hours, Palencia Pet Clinic is fully equipped and ready to help with all of your emergency and critical care needs. If you find that you need emergency assistance after hours, please contact the St. Augustine Regional Veterinary Emergency Center. For your convenience, we have provided the contact and website information for their location here.
During Business Hours
Hours of Operation
Mon-Thurs: 8:00am – 6:00pm
Fri: 8:00am – 5:30pm
Sat: 8:00am – Noon
Sun: Closed
After Business Hours
St. Augustine Regional
Veterinary Emergency
1100 S Ponce De Leon Blvd Suite 1
St. Augustine, FL 32084
Phone: 904-797-5770
After Business Hours
First Coast Veterinary ER
301 Jacksonville Drive
Jacksonville Beach, FL 32250
Phone: 904-853-6310
Email: info@firstcoastveter.com
Emergency Veterinary Care
Palencia Pet Clinic has a team of qualified and experienced veterinarians and attendants ready to attend to your animal during business hours. Our personnel will stop at nothing to offer your pet the chance to live a healthy life. Once you notice any signs of illness from poisonous food, dangerous bites, trauma or general body injury, we are just a call away.
Prior to Your Arrival
When we receive your call, we will set up an emergency unit with a doctor and an attendant on the ready. Your knowledge of your pet’s medical history is critical to their health. That is why we will set up the preliminary treatment based on your explanation on the phone. However, we will still have to see the animal to make a correct diagnosis and appropriately treat your pet. The sensitive and critical nature of pet emergencies require an appropriate diagnosis and this is why a physical examination is necessary prior to establishing a treatment plan.
Before you arrive with your pet, we may ask you for this information to prepare for treatment:
- Your pet’s species, breed, age and other physical details.
- A general medical history of your animal.
- Any recent changes in lifestyle such as relocation of food type.
- Any medications currently or recently used by the animal.
- The symptoms of the emergency.
What is an emergency?
You should never ignore any condition that causes a change to the animal’s general behavior or causes a visible threat to life. However minor or insignificant it may appear to be, you should always seek a professional opinion from our experts. If you notice any of these symptoms or any other event takes place that you think is life-threatening, please don’t hesitate to give us a call.
- Accidents such as falls, hit by a car, cut or pierced by a sharp object.
- Limping or difficulty in walking or standing up
- Signs of pain such as whining, backing, loss of appetite and unsociable character.
- Vomiting, Diarrhea, urinating/defecating excessively or not at all.
- Any form of bleeding (stool, urine, open wounds or from any part of the body).
- Swellings, bite marks or bite wounds on the skin
- Convulsions, uncontrolled shaking on the head or any body part or spasms.
- Respiratory conditions such as coughing, choking, shortness of breaths or panting.
- Ingesting a poisonous substance such as rodent poison, human medication or any other substance that affect the health of your animal.
If your animal encounters any of these conditions, please call us right away for help.
Note: If you believe your pet has ingested a poisonous substance or been bit by a poisonous animal/insect, it will help our team to determine appropriate treatment if you are able to identify the substance or creature.
Upon Arrival
Upon arrival, we will triage your pet to determine whether or not their case is life-threatening. If determined that your pet’s life is in danger, we will immediately put your pet ahead of any other cases ensuring quick and efficient treatment for your animal. Your quick decision to seek treatment by a veterinarian will give your pet better chances of surviving. If you feel you are experiencing an emergency, please call us right away.